
Cytinus Bibliography

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Carafa, A.M. & Pizzolongo, P. – Callose in cell walls during reproductive processes in Cytinus hypocistis L. in Caryologia 43(1): 57-63  1990

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De Vega, C. et al. – Genetic races associated with the genera & sections of host species in the holoparasitic plant Cytinus (Cytinaceae) in the Western Mediterranean basin in New Phytologist 178(4): 875-887  2008

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De Vega, C. et al. – Endozoochory by beetles: a novel seed dispersal mechanism in Annals of Botany 107: 629-637  2011

De Vega, C. & Herrera, C.M. – Relationships among nectar-dwelling yeasts, flowers and ants: patterns and incidence on nectar traits in Oikos 121: 1878–1888  2012

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De Vega, C., Herrera, C.M. & Dötterl, S. – Floral volatiles play a key role in specialized ant pollination in Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution & Systematics 16: 32–42  2014

Finschow , G. – De unas excursiones de científicos de Bremen a las Pitiusas: Cytinus hypotcistis [sic] pityusensis ssp. nov. y observaciones complementarias a Cytinus ruber (Fourr.) Komarov de la Isla de Ibiza, Pitiusas. España in Eivissa 5: 26-27  1974

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Fürstenwerth, H. & Schildknecht, H. – Die Farbstoffe von Cytinus hypocistis, I. Isoterchebin, der gelbe Farbstoff des Zistrosenwürgers Cytinus hypocistis (Rafflesiaceae, Schmarotzerblumengewachse) in Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 112-123  1976

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Hooker, W.J. – Exotic Flora vol. 2 (153. Cytinus hypocistis. Rape of Cistus) Blackwood, Edinburgh 1825

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Perotti, R. – Contribuzione alla conoscenza dei rapporti fra Cytinus hypocistis e Cistus salvifolius in Annali Bot. 13: 151-6 1915

Ponzi, R. & Pizzolongo, P. – Cytinus hypocistis L. embryogenesis: ultrastructural aspects of megasporogenesis & megagametogenesis in J. Submicr. Cytol. 8(4): 327-336 1976

Renaudin, S. et al. – Phosphoenol Pyruvate Carboxylase in Parasitic Plants:……… in J. Plant Physiol. 116: 455-465 1984

Schildknecht, H., Herb, R. & Kunzelmann, P. – Die Chemie der Schmarotzerblumen, II. Isoterchebin: Struktur des gelben Ellagitannin-Farbstoffes aus Cytinus hypocistis (Rafflesiaceae) in Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 1448 – 1456  1985

Severi, A., Laudi, G. & Fornasiero, R.B. – Ultrastructural Researches in the Plastids of Parasitic Plants VI. Scales of Cytinus hypocistis L. in Caryologia 33: 307-313 1980

Steinmetz, M.D. et al. – Recherches d’activités antifongique & antiparasitaire de Cistaceae & de Rafflesiaceae in Abstracts from 3rd European Colloquium on Ethnopharmacology p. 270 1996

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Thorogood, C.J. & Hiscock, S.J. – Host Specificity in the Parasitic Plant Cytinus hypocistis in Research Letters in Ecology (online only) vol. 2007, Article ID 84234 4pp. doi. 10.1155/2007/84234  2007

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