Halimium lasianthum (Lam.) Spach ‘Sandling’
Key Facts
Flower colour : yellow, sometimes with a dark blotch at the base of each petal. These blotches vary in size and colour from plant to plant. There are several un-named clones in the collection. |
Flower diameter : 4cm |
Height & Spread : 40cm x 2m+ |
Habit : loose, spreading |
Notes : hardy, floriferous, reliable. Attractive silvery foliage. Some of the best cultivars for the garden. |
Subspecies : subsp. alyssoides has greener, often narrower leaves. Its flowers are unblotched. |
Cultivars : ‘Concolor’ has unblotched petals; ‘Formosum’ (below) has a large purple-brown blotch (RHS Colour Chart ref. 187A) at the base of each petal; ‘Sandling’ (above) has similar crimson blotches (RHS Colour Chart ref. 185A); ‘Hannay Silver’ (lower) is much larger and more vigorous, with silky-haired, silvery leaves and unblotched petals; subsp. alyssoides ‘Farall’ (bottom) has flowers of a rich egg-yolk yellow. |

Halimium lasianthum ‘Formosum’↑

Halimium lasianthum ‘Hannay Silver’↑

Halimium lasianthum subsp. alyssoides↑

Halimium lasianthum subsp. alyssoides ‘Farall’↑