
My Published Works

Page, R.G.  (1991) Cistus Notes. The Plantsman 13(3): 143-156 12/1991/p>

Page, R.G. (1993) A Collector’s Progress. Plant Heritage 3(3): 7-10

Page, R.G. (1993) C. ‘Thornfield White’. The Hardy Plant 15(1): 26, 29

Page, R.G. (1994) National Cistus & Halimium Collections in The National Plant Collections Directory 1994 p.19-20, 53 pub. NCCPG

Page, R.G. (1996) Cistus × dansereaui. The New Plantsman 3(3): 184-9  9/1996

Page, R.G. (1997) Cistus & × Halimiocistus variegation. New, Rare & Unusual Plants 3(1): 9-10, 43  5/1997

Page, R.G. (1998) The Cistus & Halimium hybrids of Eric Sammons. The New Plantsman 5(4): 219-230  12/1998

Page, R.G. (2000) Sun Worshippers: Hardy Cistus & Halimium. The Garden (RHS) 125(6): 458-463  6/2000

Page, R.G. (2002) Cistus ‘Enigma’. The Plantsman (new series) 1(3): 160-5  9/2002

Demoly, J.-P. (translated Page, R.G.) (2005) The identity of Cistus ‘Grayswood Pink’ and related plants. The Plantsman (new series) 4(2): 76-80  6/2005

Gardner, M.F. & Page, R.G. (1997) Cistus, Halimium & × Halimiocistus in Cullen, J. et al.(eds.) – The European Garden Flora 5: 263-8 pub. Cambridge U.P.


A guide to Cistus & Halimium in cultivation in the UK

Bygrave, P. (ed. Page, R.G.) (2001)  Cistus – A Guide to the Collection at the Chelsea Physic Garden (NCCPG series) pub. Chelsea Physic Garden Co.

N.B.  Erratum: On page 44 of the above guide Cistus ladanifer ‘Pat’ is described as having pure white flowers. In fact each petal has a large dark maroon basal blotch.

*** Unfortunately it appears that this booklet may now be unavailable as a result of the destruction of unsold copies. This is being investigated.***